. - Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 Introduction - .
- - - - - Cultural Keywords - - - - -
. tabi 足袋 split-toe socks .
. tamoto 袂 long sleeve of a kimono .
. tanishi たにし 田螺 mud snail . - and the stillness 静けさ shizukesa
. tanuki 狸 badger, racoon dog .
. Tao Yuan-ming 陶淵明 Too Enmei, To Enmei . (365 - 427)
one of Buson's favorite poets
. tarai 盥 tub, basin - noridarai 糊盥 glue tub .
. taue, ta-ue 田植 rice planting and other rice-related haiku .
. te 手 shiwade 皺手 hand, hands, wrinkled hands .
. temakura 手枕 (udemakura) hands/arms for a pillow .
. temari 手毬 "hand ball "toy, rag ball for children .
. Tengu Kaze, Tengukaze 天狗風 Tengu Wind, a sudden gust .
. - - - tera 寺 Buson visiting temples - - - .
. Teramura Hyakuchi 寺村百池 (1748 - 1836) .
- his patron in Kyoto
. teshoku 手燭 portable candlestick .
. Tobadono, Toba Dono 鳥羽殿 and Joonanguu 城南宮 Jonan-Gu shrine in Fushimi, Kyoto .
. Togakushi Mountain 戸隠 .
kijo momiji 鬼女紅葉 The Female Demon called "Momiji"
. tokoroten 心太, 心天 gelidium jelly .
. tonbo 蜻蛉 Tombo, dragonfly .
. tsubute, 天狗礫 Tengu throwing stones .
. tsujidoo 辻堂 wayside sanctuary .
. tsuki 月 moon / tsuki tenshin 月天心 .
. tsukubayama, Tsukuba Yama, Tsukuba san 筑波山 Mount Tsukuba .
. tsurigane 釣鐘 kane 鐘 large temple bell .
. tsuto iri 衝突入 "visiting a home" / Yamada no tsuto-iri 山田のつと入 .
. tsutsuji 躑躅 azalea, azaleas .
- - - - - Haiku - - - - -
. tabidachi ya kaomise no himo miyuru naru .
(winter) Kaomise Kabuki. leaving on a journey
. tabi haite neru yo monouki yumemi kana .
(winter) split-toe socks. sleeping, dreaming
. taga tame no hikuki makura zo haru no kure .
(spring) spring evening. for whom this low pillow?
. takadono no hokage ni shizumu wakaba kana たかどの .
kôrô / kooroo no hokage ni shizumu wakaba kana
(spring) young leaves. light from a lofty tower (pavilion)
. takenoko ya kooji o oshimu kaki no soto .
(summer) bamboo shoots. outside the hedge. sweet tangerines
. takiguchi ni hi o yobu koe ya haru no ame .
(spring) rain in spring. Imperial Palace, Takiguchi quarters for samurai
. takujoo no sushi ni me samushi Kangyotei .
(summer) sushi fish. sushi on the table. Fish-Viewing Pavillion
. tamoto shite harau ge-gaki no tsukue kana .
(summer) copying sutra writing practise. long kimono sleeve
. tarachine no tsuma mazu ari ya hina no hana .
(spring) hina dolls. mother should have pinched the nose
. tasogare ya hagi ni itachi no Koodaiji .
(autumn) bush clover. weasel. dusk, temple Kodai-Ji
. tatazumeba tooku mo kikoyu kawazu kana .
(spring) frog. when I stand still I hear
. tegotae no kumo ni hana ari yumihajime .
(New Year) first bow shooting. blossoms in the clouds
. temakura ni mi o aisu nari oborozuki .
(spring) hazy moon. hands for a pillow. I like myself
. tengukaze nokorazu tsuta no ha ura kana .
(autumn) Japanese ivy. Tengu wind gust blows the leaves
. tenmansai tairo ni aishi hito mo ari.
(summer) Tenman Festival. people come to meet poet Tairo
. tenzoo no niwa no kogiku ya ginkakuji .
(autumn) small chrysanthemum. garden of the temple cook. Silver Pavillion in Kyoto
. tera samuku shikimi hamikobosu nezumi kana .
(winter) cold. temple in the cold. star anise. mice
. teratera to ishi hi ni no teru kareno kana .
(winter) withered field. bright glare. sun on rocks
. teshoku shite iro ushinaeru kigiku kana .
(autumn) chrysanthemum. portable candlestick. yellow chrysanthemums
. teshoku shite niwa fumu hito ya haru oshimu .
(spring) . portable candlestick. walking in the garden
. teshoku shite yoki futon dasu yosamu kana .
(autumn) chilly night. portable candlestick. a warm quilt bedding
. tokoroten sakashima ni ginga sanzenjaku .
(summer) gelidium jelly. the milky way upside-down
. to ni inu no negaeru oto ya fuyugomori .
(winter) winder seclusion. sleep. dog rolls over
. to o tataku tanuki to aki o oshimikeri .
(autumn) . badger, racoon. knocking on my door
. tobadono e gorokki isogu nowaki kana .
(autumn) typhoon. Jonangu and Toba-dono in Fushimi, Kyoto.
. tonboo ya mura natsukashiki kabe no iro .
(autumn) dragonfly. my beloved village. color of the walls
. toshi hitotsu tsumoru ya yuki no komachidera .
(winter) snow. one year older. Komachi temple
. tsujidoo no hotoke ni tomosu hotaru kana .
(summer) fireflies. roadside sanctuary. dead body
. tsujidoo ni shiseru hito ari mugi no aki .
(summer) autumn of the wheat. wayside sanctuary. dead person
. tsuma mo ko mo tera de mono kuu nowaki kana .
(autumn) typhoon. temple. mothers and children eat
. tsuma ya ko no negao mo mietsu kusurigui .
(winter) kusuri gui 薬喰 eating medicine. sleeping. wife and children
. tsunagi-uma yuki issoo no abumi kana .
(winter) snow. in both stirrups, tethered horse
. tsurigane ni tomarite nemuru kochoo kana .
(spring) butterfly. temple bell. sleeping
. tsuto-iri ya shiru hito ni au hyooshi nuke .
(autumn) Tsuto-Iri ritual. meeting a person I know, I feel at ease
- - - and
tsuto-iri ya nando no noren yukashisa yo / door curtain in front of the store room
. tsutsuji saite katayamazato no meshi shiroshi .
(spring) azalea. remote mountain village. boiled rice is white
. . BUSON - Cultural Keywords and ABC-List . .
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***** - Introducing Japanese Haiku Poets -
Gabi Greve
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