. - Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 Introduction - .
- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -
- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -
- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -
- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -
- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XYZ -
- - - - - AAA - Cultural Keywords - - - - -
. Abe no Seimei 阿倍晴明, onmyooji 陰陽師 . ( February 21, 921 – October 31, 1005)
. Abukumagawa 阿武隈川 river Abukuma . in Fukushima
. akindo 商人 merchants in Edo .
. Akitsushima 秋津しま the Islands of Japan, . 秋津島 - 秋津洲 - 蜻蛉洲 - lit. "Island of the Dragonfly"
. akuta 芥 garbage, dirt .
. amagoi 雨乞 rain rituals .
. amazake 甘酒 / 醴 sweet fermented rice wine .
guchimuchi no amazake tsukuru Matsugaoka
mi-hotoke ni hiru sonaekeri hitoya-zake (amazake)
yoki hito ya amazake mitabi kae ni keri
ami 綱 lit. "net", a prostitute on Modoribashi, Kyoto 京都戻橋.
harusame ya ami ga tamoto ni kochoochin
. an, iori 庵 hermitage, thatched hut .
. Aoi matsuri 葵祭 Aoi festival, Kyoto .
. asagi 浅黄 hues of light yellow, green and blue .
Atago san 愛宕山 Mount Atago
aware 哀れ feeling sad
harusame ya mono kakanu mi no aware naru
. awase 袷 / あわせ light summer kimono .
- - - - - Haiku - - - - -
. abukuma ya gojuushi gun no otoshi-mizu .
(summer) draining water from the fields. river Abukuma
. adabana wa ame ni utarete uribatake .
(summer) melon field. fruitless blossoms
. akebono no yane ni ya no tatsu nowaki kana .
(autumn) typhoon. an arrow stuck in the roof
. akeyasuki yoo kakushite ya higashiyama .
(summer) dawn comes early. Higashiyama in Kyoto - lit. "East Mountain"
- - - - - aki 秋 autumn - - -
. aki furu ya kusu hachijoo no Kinkakuji .
temple Kinkaku-Ji, the Golden Pavillion in Kyoto
. aki kinu to gatten sasetaru kusame kana .
sneezing. autumn has come
. aki no aware wasuren to sureba hatsushigure .
first winter shower
. aki no kure hotoke ni bakeru tanuki kana .
badger, racoon dog. posing as a Buddha. autumn
. aki no kure tsuji no Jizoo ni abura sasu .
Jizo at the crossroad, to pour oil on
. akisame ya mizusoko no kusa o fumaretaru .
(autumn) autumn rain. I step on grass in the water
. akisame ya waga sugemino wa mada nurasaji .
(autumn) autumn rain. my straw raincoat not yet wet
. aki tatsu ya nani ni odoroku onmyooji .
fortune-teller of onmyoo-doo, the way of Yin and Yang - Abe no Seimei
. akikaze ni chiru ya sotoba no kanna kuzu .
plane shavings for a grave marker
. akikaze no ugokashite yuku kagashi kana .
. akikaze ya hiuo kaketaru hamabisashi .
eaves of houses at the beach - roof
. akikaze ya shushi ni shi utau gyosha shosha .
fishermen, woodcutters reciting poetry
- - - -
. akindo o hoyuru inu ari momo no hana .
(spring) peach blossoms. a dog barking at merchants
. aki no yuube tamoto shite kagami fuku onna .
(autumn) autumn evening. a woman wipes the mirror with her sleeve
. amagoi no Komachi ga hate ya otoshimizu .
- Ono no Komachi
. amazake no jigoku mo chikashi Hakoneyama .
(summer) sweet fermented rice wine. the hell of Hakone mountains
. an koote katsu ureshisa yo sumi gohyoo .
(winter) charcoal. hermitage, thatched hut. five bags of charcoal.. an extra joy
. ana tooto cha mo dabu-dabu to juuya kana .
(winter). "the 10th night". the Amida prayer
. ao ume ni mayu atsumetaru bijin kana .
(summer) green plums. a beauty knitting her brows
. aruki aruki mono omou haru no yukue kana .
(spring) onomatopoetic. walking and walking
. asagiri ya muro no ageya no natto jiru .
(autumn) morning fog. prostitutes at the brothel in Muro. morning mist. natto soup
. asakawa no nishi shi higashi su wakaba kana .
(spring) new leaves. east - west - new leaves - shallow river
. asakaze no fukisamashitaru ukawa kana .
(autumn) cormorant fishing . river for cormorant fishing
. ashiato ni hisomu uo ari otoshimizu .
- ashiato no naki ta wabishi ya otoshimizu
(autumn) draining the paddies
. asu wa haya Fudarakusen o tachi iden .
( - ) Mount Fudaraku in Nikko (Potalaka)
. atama kara futon kabureba namako kana .
(winter) bed quilt. sea slug. quilt over your head
. awanu koi omoikiruyo ya fukutojiru .
(winter) fugu blowfish soup. unrequited love.
. . BUSON - Cultural Keywords and ABC-List . .
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***** - Introducing Japanese Haiku Poets -
Gabi Greve
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