
Koda Rohan


Kooda Rohan, Kōda. Kouda 幸田露伴 Koda Rohan

(23 July 1867 – 30 July 1947)

Kōda Shigeyuki 幸田 成行
who used the pen name Kōda Rohan (幸田 露伴) was a Japanese author in the Meiji period.
His daughter, Aya Kōda, was also a noted author who often wrote about him.

Kōda wrote "The Icon of Liberty", also known as "The Buddha of Art" or "The Elegant Buddha", in 1889. A house (Kagyu-an 蝸牛庵 or "snail cottage") in which Kōda lived was rebuilt in 1972 by the Meiji Mura museum. Kōda was one of the first persons to be awarded the Order of Culture when it was established in 1937.

Rohan was born in the Kanda District of Tokyo. He was the son of Koda Shigenobu (1839?--1914) and Koda Yu (1842?-1919), whose father was Koda Ritei, a samurai official serving under the local shogun. Rohan's childhood name was Tetsushiro ("shiro" implying the fourth son) Shigeyuki.
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He also wrote seven volumes with annotoations about Matsuo Basho.


source : f.hatena.ne.jp/zhangshi

He lived in Kagyu-An 蝸牛庵  "snail cottage".

Rohan Ki 露伴忌 (ろはんき) Memorial Day for Rohan
Kagyuu KI 蝸牛忌(かぎゅうき)"Memorial day for the Snail"

kigo for late summer

. WKD : Memorial Days of Famous People .

kagyuu ki no yuki furu nari jookamachi

on Snail Memorial Day
snow is falling . . .
in the castle town

Satoo Ryuushoo 佐藤柳湖 Sato Ryusho

. jookamachi 城下町 Jokamachi, castle town .


suzushisa ya kofuu nukeru sora shaden

this coolness -
the breeze from the sea blows
through the empty Shrine building

. WKD : haiku about 社殿 shrine buildings .


Japanese Reference

- reference 幸田露伴 -

Related words

***** Introducing Japanese Haiku Poets 


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