
Eminescu Mihai Eminescu


Mihai Eminescu

(1850 - 1889)

(n. 15 ianuarie 1850, Botoşani sau Ipoteşti - d. 15 iunie 1889, Bucureşti)
un poet, prozator şi jurnalist român, socotit de cititorii români şi de critica literară postumă drept cea mai importantă voce poetică din literatura română.

A Romantic poet, novelist and journalist, often regarded as the greatest and most influential Romanian poet. Eminescu was an active member of the Junimea literary society and he worked as an editor for the newspaper Timpul ("The Time"), the official newspaper of the Conservative Party (1880–1918). His first poems volume was published when he was 16 and he went to Vienna to study when he was 19.

Nicolae Iorga, the Romanian historian, considers Eminescu the father of the modern Romanian language. He is unanimously celebrated as the greatest and most representative Romanian poet.

Poems and Prose of Mihai Eminescu (editor: Kurt W. Treptow, publisher: The Center for Romanian Studies, Iaşi, Oxford) contains a selection of English-language renditions of Eminescu's poems and prose.

Eminescu is omnipresent in present-day Romania. His statues are everywhere; his face was on the 1000-lei banknote issued in 1998 and is on the new 500-lei banknote issued in 2005 as the highest-denominated Romanian banknote

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. Mihai Eminescu


Haiku and Senryu

the moon, the forest,
the morning star, his love,

Alex Serban

. WKD : Romanian Saijiki


sub tei in floare
sublimare e pasu-mi,

sous les tilleuls en fleur
mes pas vont sublimer
comme rêves du Poète...


linden trees in bloom -
I will sublimate now
in dreams of the Poet

. . . a tercet for June 15, comemoration of the romantic Romanian poet Mihai Eminescu (1850-1889)
in my hometown there is still the linden tree of his time - legend or reality, we love a lot...

Iulia Ralia
2013, fb

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