Haiku Sweets (haika)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Non-seasonal Topic
***** Category: Humanity
Sweets, cakes and snacks, prepared in allusion to a famous haiku
haika 俳菓
Read the basics of Japanese sweets (wagashi) here
Sweets from Japan (wagashi)
one more speciality
Snack served with tea (cha no ko, o-cha no ko) Japan
Many tea sweets (chagashi 茶菓子) are named after famous short poems (tanka 短歌), but there are also some named after a famous haiku.
I will try and list them here as I find them.
Gabi Greve, May 2008
芭蕉俳菓 Basho Haika
Basho's haiku and the Japanese confection
© 桔梗屋伊左衛門 Kikyoo-Ya Iemon
a partly bi-lingual BLOG by Kikyo San, a sweet maker in the 18th generation in Iga Ueno, the home of Basho.
Take your time to browse here !
The hokkku by Basho are not about food, though.
Only the sweets are all named after his poems.
. uguisu ya yanagi no ushiro yabu no mae .
Ishiyama no ishi ni tabashiru arare kana
霰 arare
scattering on the stones
of Mount Ishiyama -
these hailstones
Tr. Gabi Greve
More about this sweet TABASHIRU
Matsuo Basho at Mount Ishiyamadera
MORE food haiku by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
bakesoo na kasa kasu tera no shigure kana
winter drizzle -
at the temple I borrow an old umbrella
looking almost like a ghost
Yosa Buson 与謝 蕪村
Tr. Gabi Greve
More about
Ghosts and Haiku
Winter drizzle (shigure) KIGO
Haiga by Buson
"Umbrella looking like a ghost"
Haiku Sweet: Shiguregasa : sleet and umbrella
In the North of Kyoto there is the temple Ichijoo-Ji Konbuku-Ji 一乗寺金福寺 (Konpuku-Ji) where Buson wrote this haiku. He was on this way to Central Kyoto, when the rain became stronger and he borrowed this old tattered umbrella. The umbrella looked as if it would grow legs and arms, strecht out the toungue and start dancing in a moment.
The owner of a sweet store in Kyoto made a small cake looking like an umbrella and had his HIT right away. This was in 1903. The present owner of "Kyokado 京華堂" is in the fouth generation. The owner also seems to have created the word "Haiku Sweet", which is written on the explanation sheet of this cake.
© www.digistyle-kyoto.com / 京華堂利保
. Konpukuji, Konbukuji 金福寺 / 金福寺 Konpuku-Ji - Kyoto .
ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo
Here is Blyth's translation of the Buson haiku:
It may transform itself,
This umbrella lent by a temple,
In the winter rain.
Blyth's comment:
Rain begins to fall, and Buson goes to a temple nearby and asks for the loan of an umbrella. The monk gives him one, so old that it is hardly worth while returning. As he leaves the temple in the gathering darkness, the rain falling steadily and monotonously, Buson feels that this aged umbrella may suddenly transform itself into a fox or a witch or goblin. The old monk, the old temple, the rain, the tattered umbrella, the evening, the thoughts of ghosts and apparitions are all blended together with a power and compactness in the original which even a literal translation cannot emulate.
"Rain of a temple lending a bewitched umbrella" is nearer the Japanese, but omits the "may be" element of "looks as though it may be going to transform itself" expressed by "bakesoo."
Compiled by Larry Bole
Translating Haiku Forum
ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo
an old umbrella
turned into sweet cake ...
more haiku wonders
Gabi Greve
I shall look into it from another angle that perhaps is sweeter than any sweets:
an old umbrella
turned into a protective cover
of Lord Buddha
Kumarendra Mallick, Hyderabad, India
kaki kueba kane ga naru nari Hooryuu-Ji
eating a persimmon
the bell reveberates
at temple Horyu-ji
(Tr. Gabi Greve)
Masaoka Shiki
Read a discussion of this haiku translation.
The shop Rokujiya 六時屋 in Matsuyama makes sweets in memory of haiku by Masaoka Shiki since 1953.
© Rokujiya 六時屋
TEL: 089-941-6666(代)
source : baigetsu.hamazo
natsu yama ya me ni moro-moro no kusa no tsuyu
summer mountain--
all sorts of dewdrops
in the grass
Tr. David Lanoue
. WKD : Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .
summer mountain --
in my eyes endless dewdrops
on all kinds of plants
. - Comment by Chris Drake .
渋かろか 知らねど柿の 初ちぎり
shibukaro ka shiranedo kaki no hatsu chigiri
are they bitter?
I do not know, but - well,
the first take of a persimmon
Tr. Gabi Greve
Kaga no Chiyo-Jo 加賀千代女
- quote
Will it be sweet
this Japanese persimmon
the first in my hand?
Whether Chiyo-ni's marriage was sweet, or bitter like an unripe persimmon is unknown. Perhaps hints can be found in her poetry, which she began writing at the age of seven. By seventeen, her talent for writing clear, pure haiku was well known. In her later years she took vows and lived the contemplative, austere life of a Buddhist.
Perhaps even then she permitted herself an occasional taste of the sweet fruit of the persimmon tree.
Tr. lisabsf.blogspot.jp
Whether the fruit be bitter
Or whether it be sweet,
The first bite tells.
- tr. John Paris
hatsu chigiri ...
can imply taking the first persimmon fruit from a branch of the tree and take a bite.
chigiri 契り can also imply exchanging marriage vows and then hatsu 初 the first encounter of a newly-wed couple.
shibu-gaki、shibugaki 渋柿 bitter persimmons
a special kind that is skinned and dried for preservation, then hanged on a string it becomes the tsurushi-gaki.
. WKD : kaki 柿 persimmon fruit .
source : 邦太郎雑記
a haiku about the garden of Tsubone-ya 局屋, a famous tea shop in Kyoto
niwa no kuri fukumeba Kyoo no tabiji kana
even the chestnuts
in the tea garden -
travelling in Kyoto
Tr. Gabi Greve
Konishi Chizuru 小西千鶴
© tsuboneya Kyoto
Buson-An and Sakura-Ebisen
蕪村菴 さくらえびせんべい
In a pack with two crackers
From Kyoto
temakura no yume wa kazashi no sakura kana
Yosa Buson
yume kazashi 夢かざし
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Here is another Buson Haiku about TEMAKURA
temakura ni mi o aisu nari oborozuki
My arm for a pillow,
I really like myself
under the hazy moon
(Tr. Robert Hass)
. . . CLICK here for temakura Photos !
makura, 枕 pillow
temakura, tamakura, my hand(s) for a pillow
you can sit on a table and use your hands
den Kopf in die Hand / Hände gestützt
hijimakura, ellbow for a pillow
udemakura, my arm(s) for a pillow
..... usually you are lying down
In a very wide meaning, I am tempted to translate
I like to sit there
with my head in my hands ...
hazy moon
English by Gabi Greve
WKD : the first person in haiku . wagami, watakushi ...
かひなくたたむ 名こそ惜しけれ
Suoo on Naishi 周防内侍 (? - 1110)
Female poet of the Heian period
Thin filled waffers in memory of Shushiki, poetess of the Edo period
"Shushiki monaka 秋色もなか"
matsusugi o homete ya kaze no kaoru oto
Shigure no Matsu 時雨の松 Pine in Winter Drizzel
Matsuo Basho at Temple Jojakkoji, Ogura, Kyoto
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
A sweet shop in Kyoto with seasonal haiku sweets
. 両の手に桃と桜や草の餅
ryoo no te ni momo to sakura ya kusa no mochi .
Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉
source : www.turuya.co.jp/wagashi 鶴屋
Horikawa ya ie no shita ni yuku haru no mizu
river Horikawa -
below the house flows
the water of spring
. Tan Taigi 炭太祇 .
River Horikawa in . Kyoto 京都 .
Related words
***** Sweets from Japan (wagashi)
***** . Poetry and Japanese Food .
Haiku Sweets (haika)
Gabi Greve
Labels: - Masaoka Shiki, Humanity, Japan
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i enjoyed it very much to visit this blog!
when i read the haiku and the informations, when i saw the photos, i remembered the wonderful shops in Kyôto, especially a shop near Gion, wagashi, so beautiful and delicious!
best wishes,
蕪村の傘の俳画はMy correctionに収めました。
Sakuo-san, please be so kind to add a translation!
Thank you!
Thanks for tasting the sweets, Angelika san and Sakuo san!
咲牡Sakuo san, maybe "My collection". :o)
wow, absolutely fascinating to read Gabi! i wonder if the umbrella sweet tastes as good as it looks? beautiful Buson ku also (quite really comment on how good a translation it is as i don't know japanese, but it's a lovely ku!)
Fascination links.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Gabi,
I'd never heard of sweets named for haiku... very interesting!
Dear Gabi san
Thank you very much
I love Japanese sweets
oh nice!
I will looking for the sweet in next Kyoto trip
bowing deeply
Thank you for the wonderful links, Gabi san!
This is a treat in and of itself, Gabi. Reading the different translations, then the sweets, then the ghosts....fascinating. Thank you!
Sweet things :
no autumn teeth
in springtime.
Matsuo Basho
waga kinu ni Fushimi no momo no shizuku seyo
on my robes
let there fall dewdrops from the peach blossoms
of Fushimi
A greeting hokku to his host Ninko.
Sweet wrapper from Saigan-Ji, Fushimi, Kyoto
Kobayashi Issa
sitting alone --
temakura ya choo wa mainichi kite kureru
my head rests
on my arm -- each day
kind butterflies come
This hokku is from Issa's diary early in the second month (March) in 1813, a couple of weeks after reaching a final settlement with his brother on 1/26 concerning their inheritance from their father. Issa wasn't able to move into his father's house immediately, and during the second month he was staying at various Buddhist temples and at the homes of students who lived near his hometown, waiting for his half-brother and stepmother to move out of half of the house. At the time the hokku was written, no word had apparently come from his brother and stepmother about his move, and his brother and stepmother, both hostile to him, were not making any friendly visits to socialize or welcome him back to his hometown. Meanwhile, most of the villagers were either cold or hostile.
In two later anthologies, the first published in 1818, the hokku has the headnote "sitting alone" (独座), a phrase that suggests the meaning of Issa's habit of resting his head on his arm or sometimes perhaps his arms. Each day Issa, still a traveler, sits at a low table, perhaps with a foot warmer under it, and rests his head on his arm and his elbow on the table as he quietly thinks about things and gazes outside the temple room or his room in the house of his current host. On some days he perhaps stretches out on the floor with his head propped up on an arm or both arms. He must be thinking intensely about how he will live his future life as a largely unwanted member of his hometown, and he probably has lots of time to himself. In waka poems an "arm pillow" connotes either loneliness if it is your own arm or intimate love if you share your arm with your lover, and in this hokku, the image of aloneness day after day seems to be clearly implied. Issa is not quite lonely, however, because each day butterflies enter the various rooms he stays in, rooms that have sliding-door walls and are open to the outside during the day. Apparently the butterflies come quite close to Issa as he sits peacefully and virtually unmoving. Issa writes that the butterflies "give him" their visits, as if they could somehow sense his aloneness and wished to keep him company for a while.
Chris Drake
karakasa obake から傘お化け / 唐傘お化け umbrella ghost
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