
Inoue Shiro


Inoue Shiroo 井上士朗 Inoue Shiro

1742 - 1812, May 16.

寛保二年(一七四二)- 文化九年五月十六日(一八一二)
Medical doctor and Haiku Poet from Nagoya.
Shiroo 支朗

Shiro Memorial Day, Shiroo Ki 士朗忌 (しろうき)
May 16.
kigo for early summer

"Loquat plantation" Memorial Day
Biwaen Ki 枇杷園忌(びわえんき)
Shujusoo Ki 朱樹叟忌 (しゅじゅそうき)

Biwa-En was his haiku name.

His real name was Inoue Masaharu 井上正春
also known as Senan 通称専庵, later Shoo-Oo, "Old Man Pine"(のち松翁)。

He belonged to the three famous people of the Kansei Period (寛政の三大家).


He lived in the neighbourhood of the temple Daikoo-Ji 大光寺, where even now there is a memorial stone in his honour.

山里の 月夜を運べ 庭の松
yamazato no tsukiyo o hakobe niwa no matsu

© red.ap.teacup.com


Owari Nagoya and Shiro

quote from http://silver.ap.teacup.com/nabeya-cho/193.html

From right to left we have

Yosa Buson 1716-1783
Inoue Shiro 1742-1812
Kumura Kyotai 1732-1872

Kyootai 久村暁台(くむらきょうたい) was the teacher of Inoue Shiro.

© silver.ap.teacup.com



Inoue Shirô (1742-1812)
38,9 x 59,6 cm , Sumi-Tusche auf Papier
Collectie: © Sammlung Jon de Jong

© www.galeries.nl/

from the exhibition

Haiku & Haiga - Augenblicke in Wort und Bild
Museum Schloss Moyland - Bedburg-Hau
30/4/2006 - 15/10/2006

Museum Schloss Moyland zeigt im Obergeschoss des Schlosses 77 Rollbilder aus der niederländischen Privatsammlung Jon de Jong.


Haiga - japońskie wierszo obrazy

Collection of Haiga
© www.japonia.org.pl


Japanese Reference


山里の 月夜を運べ 庭の松
yamazato no tsukiyo o hakobe niwa no matsu

pines in my garden
bring the moonlit night
of this mountain village

 何事も なくて春立つ あしたかな
nanigoto mo nakute haru tatsu ashita kana

nothing special happened
and tomorrow
spring will start

 大蟻の 畳をあるく 暑さかな
ooari no tatami o aruku atsusa kana

big ants
walking over my tatami mats -
such a heat

CLICK for more photos of ASHIGARU soldiers
ashigaru soldier

 足軽の かたまつて行く さむさ哉
ashigaru no katamatte iku samusa kana

the common foot soldiers
walking in a close group -
such a coldness

 凩や 日に々々 鴛の美しき
kogarashi ya hi ni hi ni on no utsukushiki

oh withering wind -
with every passing day
the mandarin ducks get more beautiful

Japanese quote from MASA

manmaru ni shinba no futoru shigatsu kana

the sacred horse
all round and fat -
it's april !

CLICK for original / ideda museum Osaka
 © www.city.ikeda.osaka.jp / photo


This is a scroll from a friend.
Can anyone read the poem and let me know the contents?

Thank you for your help!

Related words

***** Introducing Japanese Haiku Poets 

Memorial Days of Famous People


1 comment:

facebook said...

Thank you for introducing Inoue Shiro. A mountain poet? I enjoy your information very much.