
Arisoumi coast



Arisoumi coast, Ariso-Umi, Ariso no Umi

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Non-seasonal Topic
***** Category: Earth


Ariso Umi 有磯海, ありそうみ

"the rough sea on the beach"

This is a general name for the rough coastline of the Etchu Hokuriku coast of Northern Japan. It has been used by waka poets since olden times as "utamakura", a place word. The poem by Otomo Iemochi about the death of his younger brother is especially famous.

The protruding island-cliffs reminded people of the Gods of the Nether World, where the dead would recide.

Where Basho walked there, it is now the area around Toyama Bay and the harbour of Fukishi .

More about UTAMAKURA


Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Haiku Publication by Roka (Rooka) 浪化,
a disciple Matsuo Basho
『Ariso umi 有磯海』 and Saint Roka
Roka Memorial Day, a KIGO


. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

わせの香や分入右は 有磯海
wase no ka ya wakeiru migi wa Arisoumi

Fragrance of early rice–
pushing through the fields, on the right
Roky Coast Sea

Tr. Haruo Shirane

fragrance of rice
wading into it
on my right the Rough Sea
Tr. Ad Blankestijn

Sweet-smelling rice fields!
To our right as we push through,
The Ariso Sea
source :  the zen frog

Through fragrant fields
Of early rice we went, beside
The wild Ariso Sea.
Tr. Dorothy Britton

early rice fragrance
pushing thru to right
the "Rough Sea"

Tr. Cid Corman

Scent of ripening ears:
to the right as I push through,
surf crashing onto rocks.

Tr. Helen Craig McCullough

The ripening grain,
Walking in the fragrance while on the right
The rocky shore of the sea.

Tr. Earl Miner

Ariso umi was originally written with the words ara iso meaning rough coast, a coast where the waves are rough. We see this reference in a poem by Otomo Iemochi in the Manyoshu and it has often been used as a pillow word for the Etchu coast. There are many large rocks off the coast here which make the waves turbulent. Because Basho wanted to see places of poetic inspiration, he wanted to visit this place. Iemochi's poem is a lament on the death of his younger brother. Perhaps Basho is preparing us here for the death of his disciple Issho as he recounts it in the next passage on Kanazawa.
source :  Station 34 - Ichiburi / www.uoregon.edu

Memorial Stone of this haiku

CLICK for original LINK ... 45723082.at.webry.info


Related words

***** WKD ... Place Names used in Haiku

***** Oku no Hosomichi, Basho 2007


1 comment:

Unknown said...

わせの香や分入右は 有磯海


Gabi san thank you for sharing.
