Tree (ki, jumoku) and Forest
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Non-seasonal Topic and see below
***** Category: Plant
tree, ki, jumoku 木, 樹
small forest, hayashi, rin 林
grove, kodachi 木立
forest, mori 森
..... shinrin 森林
Green young leaves, wakaba, are for all trees, but some with especially pretty ones have their own kigo.
... Green young leaves
Famous tree, meiboku 名木
(do not mix with "meiboku" 銘木, wood suitable for processing)
The 100 most famous trees of Japan
meiboku hyakusen 名木百選
Each prefecture then has its own choice of famous trees.
One single cherry tree, ippon sakura 一本桜
Japanese are most fond of these lone trees !
Cedar trees from Yakushima Island,
many are more than a few thousand years old fro the Jomon period
Jomon sugi (joomon sugi) 縄文杉
Yakusugi 屋久杉, Yakushima Sugi
Old Tree, koboku 古木
Sacred tree, "Tree of a Deity", shinboku 神木
Usually in a Shinto shrine.
"honorable sacred tree", go shinboku 御神木
. shinboku 神木, shinju 神樹 sacred tree divine tree .
and haiku
Cedar of Kannon Bosatsu, Kannon Sugi, 観音杉
. Karasaki no Matsu 唐崎の松 / 辛崎の松 Black Japanese pine at Karasaki (Lake Biwa)
One of the three most famous pines and haiku
. katsura 桂 / カツラ Japanese Judas tree, Cercidiphyllum japonicum .
yashikirin 屋敷林 ( やしきりん ) trees around a home
yashikibayashi, manor house forest
In many of the large planes facing the Sea of Japan, the winter winds are quite fierce and strong trees around an isolated homestead protect the houses. The small forests also provide good wood for building a house. The fallen leaves give firewood and compost. Many birds nest in special trees planted for them, leaving their droppings, which in turn provide new plants growing below the trees. Bigger trees on the outside protect fruit trees on the inside, providing food for the winter months.
Local varieties in the form of these small forests show the aesthetic feeling of an area.
In the plains around Izumo, for example, they take the shape of the roof of the Grand Shrine of Izumo.
Compiled by Larry Bole :
William J. Higginson says on the topic of "tree" as kigo
(from "Haiku World"):
"The names of many trees suggest their blossoms or fruit which are often seasonal. But the evergreens and cedar and the names alone of many deciduous trees such as oak and birch, do not have particular seasonal assocations. ..."
Higginson then goes on to point out two specific exceptions to the observaton that "the names alone of many deciduous trees do not have particular seasonal associations," namely the maple (kaede, momiji, late autumn) and the willow (yanagi, late spring).
Young American beech trees (Fagus Grandifolia) keep their autumn leaves (golden brown) all winter. This makes them relatively unique among deciduous trees.
Could this aspect of a young American beech tree be a winter kigo?
Tamamura Kōzaburō (1856 - 1923)
Kigo in various seasons
. Acacia (akashia) locust tree .
. Beech tree (buna 山毛欅 ).
Fagus sylvatica. Buche
Birch tree (shirakaba 白樺) Birke
Betula mandschurica var. japonica — Japanese birch
Betula grossa — Japanese cherry birch
. Cryptomeria (sugi 杉)
Cryptomeria japonica. Japanische Zeder
. Gingko biloba, ichoo,ichō 銀杏 Icho, Itcho .
. Hemp palm, hemp-palm (shuro 棕櫚) .
Trachycarpus fortunei. Hanfpalme
. Hinoki cypress ヒノキ、檜、桧.
Chamaecyparis obtusa
ーーーーー and
asunaro hinoki アスナロ / 翌檜 Asunaro Hinoki
Thujopsis dolabrata
. Magnolia (mokuren) and other kinds .
. Nettletree, Chinese hackberry tree (enoki 榎).
Celtis sinensis var. japonica. Chinese) hackberry
chinesischer Zürgelbaum
. Pagoda tree (enju えんじゅ【槐】) .
Styphnolobium japonicum, Sophora japonica
japanischer Schnurbaum
. Tamarack tree, Larch (karamatsu 唐松) .
Larix kaempferi (Lambert) Carriere. Lärche
Hackmatack - The American larch (Larix Americana)
. . . . . Spruce tree, Fichte
genus Picea
Some kigo include the Chinese characters for
tree and forest given above
. Leaves of trees in all seasons .
kigo for spring
here GROVE means a grove with trees in full bloom
plum grove, bairin 梅林(ばいりん)
peach grove, toorin 桃林(とうりん)
grove in spring, shunrin 春林 しゅんりん
tree in spring, haru no ki 春の樹(はるのき)
forest in spring, haru no mori 春の森(はるのもり)
kigo for early spring
. hinoki ochiba 檜落葉(ひのきおちば)
fallen leaves of the Japanese cypress .
Chamaecyparis obtusa
kigo for mid-spring
hannoki no hana, han no ki no hana 赤楊の花 (はんのきのはな)
alder tree blossoms
..... han no hana 榛の花(はんのはな)
hari no ki no hana , harinoki no hana はりの木の花(はりのきのはな)
hashibami no hana 榛の花 (はしばみのはな) hazle tree blossoms
kigo for late spring
azusa no hana 梓の花 (あずさのはな) catalpa tree blossoms
..... hana azusa 花梓(はなあずさ)
yogusominebari no hana よぐそみねばりの花(よぐそみねばりのはな)
kaede no hana 楓の花 (かえでのはな) maple tree blossoms
..... hana kaede 花楓(はなかえで)
momiji saku もみじ咲く(もみじさく)"red leaved treees have blossoms"
kashi no hana 樫の花 (かしのはな) oak tree blossoms
kaya no hana 榧の花 (かやのはな) torreya tree blossoms
kibushi no hana 木五倍子の花 (きぶしのはな)
Stachyurus praecox
kuromoji no hana 黒文字の花 (くろもじのはな ) spice bush blossoms
Lindera umbellata. Fieberstrauch
. 雨城楊枝 "toothpicks from the Rain Castle". .
made from Kuromoji wood !
yamamomo no hana 楊梅の花 (やまもものはな)
bayberry blossoms Myrica rubra
kigo for all summer
"new tree" shinju 新樹 (しんじゅ)
. tsuge ochiba 黄楊落葉(つげおちば)
fallen leaves of boxwood .
early summer
. silk tree flowers, nemu no hana 合歓の花 (ねむのはな)
..... nebu no hana ねぶのはな
hana nemu 花合歓 blossoming silk tree
"persian carpet flower tree" juuka ju
..... nemuri gi ねむり木(ねむりぎ)
gookon 合昏(ごうこん)
Albizia julibrissin.
.... and kigo in other seasons
Crape myrtle (sarusuberi)
kusuguri no ki くすぐりの木(くすぐりのき)
Japanese wax tree, roo no ki 蝋の木(ろうのき)
..... haji no ki はじの木(はじのき)
The rhus tree (haze) as kigo
Rhus succedanea (Japanese wax tree)
grove in summer, natsu kodachi 夏木立 (なつこだち)
tree in summer, natsuki 夏木(なつき)
. konoshita yami 木下闇 (このしたやみ) darkness under the trees .
ko no kure 木の晩(このくれ)dusk under trees
..... kogure 木暮(こぐれ)
ko no kuregakuri 木の暗隠り(このくれがくり)
konokureshige 木の暗茂(このくれしげ)
koguru 木暮る(こぐる), kogurashi 木暗し(こぐらし)
. morin 茂林(もりん)forest with thick leaves .
shigeri 茂 - 繁り (しげり) leaves grow thick
musubiba 結葉 (むすびば)
ryokuin 緑蔭 (りょくいん) shadow of trees
aogiri 梧桐 (あおぎり) Chinese parasol tree
..... 青桐(あおぎり)、gotoo 梧桐(ごとう)
Firmiana platanifolia
nezumimochi no hana 女貞の花 (ねずみもちのはな)
blossoms of Ligustrum japonicum
tobera no hana 海桐の花 (とべらのは)
blossoms of Pittosporum tobira 扉木
..... hana tobera 花とべら(はなとべら)
kigo for late summer
doyoo me 土用芽 (どようめ) buds on the dog day
..... doyoo no me 土用の芽(どようのめ)
. Trees blossoming in Summer - LIST .
kigo for autumn
"red tree" kooju 紅樹(こうじゅ)
. red leaves, colored leaves, momiji (kooyoo 紅葉) .
urushi momiji 漆紅葉(うるしもみじ)momiji of the laquer tree
..... nurude momiji 白膠紅葉(ぬるでもみじ)
haze momiji 櫨紅葉(はぜもみじ)momiji of the wax tree
ichoo momiji 銀杏黄葉(いちょうもみじ)momiji of the gingko tree
kashiwa mojimi 柏黄葉(かしわもみじ)momiji of the Kashiwa oak
kaki momiji 柿紅葉(かきもみじ)momiji of the persimmon tree
ume momiji 梅紅葉(うめもみじ)momiji of the plum tree
nemu momiji 合歓紅葉(ねむもみじ)momiji of the mimosa tree
toodan momiji 満天星紅葉(どうだんもみじ)
momiji of Enkianthus perulatus
budoo momiji 葡萄紅葉(ぶどうもみじ)momiji of grapes
shirakaba momiji 白樺黄葉(しらかばもみじ)momiji of the birch tree
kenbonashi 枳梖 (けんぽなし) Hovenia dulcis
..... genbonashi 玄圃梨(げんぽなし)
..... tenboonashi てんぽうなし
Hovenia dulcis. Japanischer Rosinenbaum
Its fruit is used in Chinese medicine.
Legend from Aichi, 豊田市 Toyota
kenbonashi no ki けんぼなしの木 Kenponashi, Hovenia dulcis
Once the temple 薬師寺 Yakushi-Ji burned down. The hanshoo 半鐘 fire bell survived the flames and was burried in the ground. On this spot a Kenponashi tree was planted.
This tree grew very large and soon became a nuisance to the nearby farmers. So one cut some of its branches. but he became very ill after that.
. Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Aichi .
kisasage 木豇豆 (きささげ ) Catalpa ovata
..... hisagi 楸(ひさぎ)
Catalpa ovata. japanischer Trompetenbaum; japanische Katalpa
. Autumn leaves, red leaves (momiji)
. Oak trees of Japan (Quercus) and acorns (donguri)
. Nuts and fruits of trees (konomi)
kigo for late autumn
sangoju 珊瑚樹 (さんごじゅ) "tree like a coral"
..... kisango きさんご
Viburnum odoratissimum var. awabuki. サンゴジュ
With bright red berries.
. . . . . but
sangoju no hana 珊瑚樹の花 (さんごじゅのはな)
..... hana sango 晩夏 花珊瑚(はなさんご)
kigo for late summer
kigo for winter
frost on the forest, muhyoorin 霧氷林(むひょうりん)
... juhyoorin 樹氷林(じゅひょうりん)
. fallen leaves, ochiba 落葉 おちば
withered leaves, kareha 枯葉 (かれは)
and many more
. keyaki karu 欅枯る(けやきかる)withering zelkova tree .
Worldwide use
Arbor Day - April 10
observance kigo for spring in the USA
Arbor Day (from the Latin arbor, meaning tree)
is a holiday in which individuals and groups are encouraged to plant and care for trees. It originated in Nebraska City, Nebraska, United States by J. Sterling Morton. The first Arbor Day was held on April 10, 1872, and an estimated one million trees were planted that day.
Many countries now observe a similar holiday. Though usually observed in the spring, the date varies, depending on climate and suitable planting season.
Birdsey Northrop of Connecticut was responsible for globalizing it when he visited Japan in 1883 and delivered his Arbor Day and Village Improvement message. In that same year, the American Forestry Association made Northrop the Chairman of the committee to campaign for Arbor Day nationwide. He also brought his enthusiasm for Arbor Day to Australia, Canada and Europe.
Arbor Day reached its height of popularity on its 125th anniversary in 1997, when David J. Wright, noticed that a Nebraska nonprofit organization called the National Arbor Day Foundation had taken the name of the holiday and commercialized it for their own use as a trademark for their publication "Arbor Day," so he countered their efforts, launched a website, and trademarked it for "public use celebrations" and defended the matter in a federal district court in the United States[2] to ensure it was judged as property of the public domain, the case was settled in October 1999. Today anyone can use the term "Arbor Day" as well as hold their own Arbor Day celebration.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Japan celebrates a similarly themed Greenery Day, held on May 4.
Although it has a similar theme to Arbor Day, its roots lay in celebration of the birthday of Emperor Hirohito.
. Green Week (midori no shuukan 緑の週間) .
Greenery Day (みどりの日, midori no hi)
. WKD : World Days as Kigo .
arbor day -
the boy plants a pencil
beside the sand castle
Gabi Greve
Baum, Bäume
Hain / Wald, Wälder
Things found on the way
The Mandala Tree at the Mandala Temple
Trees, my best friends .. 巨木
................................ Camphor Tree Kusunoki 楠木 くすのき
. Kodama 木霊 - 木魂 The Tree Spirit .
sacred gingko tree -
a prayer falls
with every leaf
© Gabi Greve, Japan 2007
useless tree -
too old to move,
I just sit here
Gabi Greve
Tao of a useless tree
ugoku ha mo naku osoroshiki natsu kodachi
Even leaves don't move
Awsome is the
Summer grove
Tr. Dr. Satya Bhushan Verma
Buson or Basho ?
- Reference -
It is not listed in the complete works of Matsuo Basho.
yashikirin no oku atatakashi sanrinsha
the manor house forest
is warm deep inside -
a tricycle
Taniguchi Michiru 谷口みちる
natsu no tsuki Takita Sakae no hayashi tatsu
summer moon . . .
I stand in the forest
of Takita Sakae
Hitotsu Maguro 一鮪
Takita Sakae 滝田栄 and his woodwork statues
quoting Chuang-Tsu - Zhuangzi, Sooshi 荘子
Free and Easy Wandering
"What can I do with an old tree?"
"Why don't you plant it in Not-Even-Anything Village,
or the field of Broad-and-Boundless,
relax and do nothing by its side,
or lie down for a free and easy sleep under it?
Axes will never shorten its life, nothing can ever harm it.
If there's no use for it, how can it come to grief or pain?"
. Chinese background of Japanese kigo .
Related words
. Cottonwood (Populus deltoides, Populus fremontii) . USA
***** World Kigo Database
search for TREE ! Leaves, Blossoms, names of fruit ...
. Forest work ... in all seasons
. WASHOKU - Food from the Bountiful Woods
(Mori no Megumi)
. Food from the Sea, Food from the Mountains
Umi no Sachi, Yama no Sachi ... The Origin
. PLANTS - - - the Complete SAIJIKI .
- #tree #ki #baum #forest -
Tree (ki, jumoku) and forest
Gabi Greve
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So many haijin
flock together in the grove
of Gabi San
Aju Mukhopadhyay
黒森を なにといふとも 今朝の雪
kuromori o nan to iu tomo kesa no yuki
Matsuo Basho
how can you call
the green wood
with heavy snow this morning
~(Tr. Hideo Suzuki)
written by Basho about age 38 to 40
kuro mori
kuromori o nan to iu tomo kesa no yuki
Matsuo Basho
Black Forest:
so now what are you called?
a morning of snow
Tr. Barnhill
Masaoka Shiki
daiji no hafu miyuru nari natsu kodachi
I look at the gables
of this big temple -
trees in summer
Murooji no kaya no mi tabete shimai-keri
I ate all the Shii-oak acorns
from Temple Muro-ji
and that's it
Harada Takashi 原田喬
MORE about temple Muro-Ji
Gennady Nov
gold of fall
and in fresh juice
of red berries
quoting wikipedia
Viburnum is a genus of about 150–175 species of shrubs or (in a few species) small trees in the moschatel family, Adoxaceae. Its current classification is based on molecular phylogeny. It was previously included in the family Caprifoliaceae.
The member species are native throughout the temperate Northern Hemisphere, with a few species extending into tropical montane regions in South America, Russia and southeast Asia. In Africa, the genus is confined to the Atlas Mountains.
The generic name originated in Latin, where it referred to V. lantana.
The fruit is a spherical, oval or somewhat flattened drupe, red to purple, blue, or black, and containing a single seed; some are edible for humans, but many others are mildly poisonous. The leaves are eaten by the larvae of many Lepidoptera species.
Miyagi prefecture
sugi Yakushi 杉薬師 Yakushi and the cedar tree
栗原郡 Kurihara 築館町 Tsukidate
at the temple
双林寺 Sorin-Ji.
Legends about trees - - 木と伝説
collecting more and more . . .
Kajiwara Kagesue 梶原景季 / 梶原景時 Kagetoki
(1162 - 1200),
was a samurai in service to the Minamoto clan during the Genpei War of Japan's late Heian period.
In the village of 八王子村 Hachioji there is a pine named Kajiwara sugi 梶原杉 Kajiwara Pine.
It grew from a walking staff of Kagetoki, who had cut it out at Shrine 鎌倉八幡 Kamakura Hachimangu and planted it in the compound of this village.
The remains are venerated to our day: (photo)
Kobayashi Issa - azusa 梓
deta hito o azusa ni yoseru haru no ame
everyone outside
under the umbrella-tree...
spring rain
(Tr. David Lanoue)
katsura 桂 Japanese Judas tree, Cercidiphyllum japonicum
and legends about Katsura
- Yamagata
Yamagami Jinja 山神神社の夫婦カツラ
and the "Husband-and-Wife Katsura tree
Legend about kaya 榧 torreya tree
On a huge kaya 榧 torreya tree there lived a Tengu 天狗. He would fish for people walking below the tree.
10 legends with 榧 kaya
Katsura tree legend from Aomori 青森県
myoojin sama 明神様 the Myojin Deity
The 横田家 Yokota family had a large katsura no ki カツラの大木 Japanese Judas tree in their garden, where they venerated Myojin Sama. Near its roots was a Hokora for 明神様 Myojin Sama. Inside was 瀬戸物 a piece of pottery with shirohebi 白蛇 a white serpent coiled around it.
In former times a relative had built ths with the wish to become a learned man, and others came here to pray for knowledge too.
Tsukuba Fudo 筑波不動 Fudo from Mount Tsukuba
筑波山 Tsukubasan 一乗院 Ichijo-In 真福寺 Shinpuku-Ji 愛宕坊 Atagobo, Aatgo Hall
- Fudo no kaya 不動の榧 torreya tree of Fudo -
Around 1650,
when Saint 源範上人 rebuild the hall. the torreya tree was split in two by a stroke of lightning and a statue of Fudo Myo-O was found.
The tree has been growing there ever since and is seen as reimoku 霊木 a sacred tree.
kumo katsura 蛛蜘桂 Katsura tree and spiders
Legend from Gifu
Around 1580, on a day with heavy snow, a warlord was bewitched by 山蜘蛛 the mountain spiders.
He stayed under a Katsura tree, because he thought it was a house, but later many of his servants were found dead under the tree.
Now the villagers fear this tree.
katsura tree legend from Nagano Kita-Azumi district 白馬村 Hakuba village
降宮嶺方諏訪神社 Amefurimiyaminekatasuwa Shrine
The deity in resicence at 嶺方雨降宮諏訪社 Minekata amefuri no miya Suwasha is a jatai 蛇体 a serpent.
It had come from Echigo and wondered where to go, until it reached Nagano. At that moment, there was a great light emanating from the Katsura tree.
Legend about kaya 榧 torreya tree
Kyoto 亀岡市 Kameoka city 西別院町 Nishi-Betsuin town
. soroban boozu 十呂盤坊主 "the Abacus Priest" .
In the evening the priest from 西光寺 Temple Saiko-Ji could see a priest using an abacus unter the kaya 榧 torreya tree.
This phenomenon is called "the Abacus Priest".
Some say it is a prank of 狸 a Tanuki badger.
Some say once upon a time there was a young priest often scolded by the old priest, because he could not use the abacus well. Eventually the young priest hung himself on this tree.
katsura 桂と伝説 Legends about the Katsura tree
taiboku 大木 - Legend from Aichi, 幡豆町 Hazu town
In a village on the beach there was densenbyo 伝染病 a pandemic.
Once there was a light on the sea and a huge strange tree came afloat.
The villagers wanted to burn it but could not.
There came Gyoki Bosatsu and carved a statue of Kannon out of it.
The villagers prayed to Kannon and the pandemic ended.
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