Earthquake (jishin 地震)
***** Location: Japan, worldwide
***** Season: Non-seasonal Topic
***** Category: Earth
An earthquake is the result from the sudden release of stored energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves. At the Earth's surface, earthquakes may manifest themselves by a shaking or displacement of the ground and sometimes cause tsunamis, which may lead to loss of life and destruction of property.
An earthquake is caused by tectonic plates getting stuck and putting a strain on the ground. The strain becomes so great that rocks give way by fault planes breaking.
Wikipedia has more !
We have one kigo to remember a great earthquake.
kigo for early autumn
shinsai kinenbi 震災記念日 (しんさいきねんび)
earthquake memorial day
..... shinsai ki 震災忌(しんさいき)
The 1923 Great Kantō earthquake (関東大震災, Kantō daishinsai) struck the Kantō plain on the Japanese main island of Honshū at 11:58:44 am JST on September 1, 1923. Varied accounts hold that the duration of the earthquake was between 4 and 10 minutes.
The quake had a magnitude of 7.9 on the Richter scale, with its focus deep beneath Izu Ōshima Island in Sagami Bay.
Casualty estimates range from about 100,000 to 142,000 deaths, the latter figure including approximately 40,000 who went missing and were presumed dead. Damages from this natural disaster were the greatest sustained by Prewar Japan.
In 1960, government of Japan declared September 1, the anniversary of the quake, as an annual "Disaster Prevention Day."
According to the Japanese construction company Kajima Kobori Research's report of September 2005, there were 105,000 confirmed deaths in the 1923 quake
At around the time of the earthquake, a strong typhoon struck
the Tokyo Bay area.
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Imaging Disaster:
Tokyo and the Visual Culture of Japan's
Great Earthquake of 1923
by Gennifer Weisenfeld
Focusing on one landmark catastrophic event in the history of an emerging modern nation—the Great Kanto Earthquake that devastated Tokyo and surrounding areas in 1923—this fascinating volume examines the history of the visual production of the disaster. The Kanto earthquake triggered cultural responses that ran the gamut from voyeuristic and macabre thrill to the romantic sublime, media spectacle to sacred space, mournful commemoration to emancipatory euphoria, and national solidarity to racist vigilantism and sociopolitical critique. Looking at photography, cinema, painting, postcards, sketching, urban planning, and even scientific visualizations, Weisenfeld demonstrates how visual culture has powerfully mediated the evolving historical understanding of this major national disaster, ultimately enfolding mourning and memory into modernization.
- quote - amazon com -
呪歌 Juka - A magic song to prevent Earthquakes
would sing this to bring good fortune and banish evil.
Picture shows the catfish that lives under the earth whose thrashing tail causes earthquakes.
The song is on the upper left.
Yuru gutomo yomo yanuke jinoka namei shikashi mano Kami no Aran kagiriwa
Worldwide use
Monday, May 12, 2008 at 06:28:01 UTC
Magnitude 7.9
Depth 19 km (11.8 miles)
It was also known as the Wenchuan earthquake (Chinese: 汶川大地震), after the earthquake's epicenter in Wenchuan County in Sichuan province.
The government announced Saturday May 24 that the death toll could rise past 80,000, and the Health Ministry has reported that 300,000 people had been injured. About half of the 59,394 who need hospital treatment had been discharged as of Wednesday, the ministry said, leaving many wards in hard-hit Sichuan province overcrowded. Long convoys of ambulances can be seen on highways leading out of the quake zone.
2008 Sichuan earthquake (Chinese: 四川大地震)
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A giant catfish (namazu) lived in mud beneath the earth. The catfish liked to play pranks and could only be restrained by Kashima,a god who protected the Japanese people from earthquakes. So long as Kashima kept a mighty rock with magical powers over the catfish, the earth was still. But when he relaxed his guard, the catfish thrashed about, causing earthquakes.
Earthquake Myths and Folklore / CERI Memphis
... ... ...

Click on the PHOTO to see more !
Noto Peninsula Earthquake March 2007
Niigata Earthquake October 2004
Niigata Earthquake October 2004, First-ever bullet train derailment
Patrick Wafula has been out and about during the earthquake in July 2007!
He tells us
It is quite amazing that while the earthquake was causing nervousnesss and worry among Nairobians, Maasai cattle was obliviously strutting along the city streets, causing traffic jam:
oblivious Maasai cattle
strut along the street--
despite the earthquake
Patrick Wafula
I captured this peaceful scene while driving around in a friend's car.

© allafrica.com/
East Africa:
Earthquake Panic Grips Kenya and Tanzania
18 July 2007
American geological experts have downplayed chances of recent tremors in Kenya and Tanzania leading to a major earthquake.
At the same time, the Kenya Government moved to calm fears that have spread especially in Nairobi that an earthquake was likely. ... the series of quakes that have shook the region since Saturday may not necessarily culminate into a major earthquake disaster.
Things found on the way
A radish has grown up in a crack formed by an earthquake on an island off the coast here, evoking memories of the renowned "gutsy radish" that has become known around the world.
Gutsy Radish (Dokonjo Daikon) and haiku.
- quote
Chronicle of Great Earthquakes (Ōjishin Rekinenkō)
This is a booklet about earthquakes that was published
shortly after the Great Ansei Earthquake of October 1855.
Its diverse content includes information on earthquakes not only in Japan
but also the West, earthquake prediction, and a chronology of earthquakes.
Various types of publications were produced in the wake of the Great Ansei Earthquake of October 1855.
This booklet contains earthquake-related information and was published shortly after the earthquake, in 1856.
The content is diverse, ranging from a general explanation of earthquakes
to an earthquake map of Italy as a case study from the West,
and an introduction to a device for predicting earthquakes using magnets.
The booklet ends with a chronology of earthquakes from the time of
the Emperor Tenmu (673-686 AD) right through to 1855.
The booklet was edited by Yamazaki Yoshishige, an essayist of the late Edo period responsible
for numerous works across a variety of genres.
The image shown here is titled Illustration of the Great Earthquake
in the Genroku Year of the Sheep, which struck in November 1703.
It depicts Asakusa, Nihonbashi, and other districts in Edo,
as well as the tsunami in Boso and the damage suffered in Odawara.
source : Tokyo Metropolitan Database
entotsu wa entotsu to shite shinsaiki
a chimney
is a chimney -
Earthquake Memorial Day
. Bojo Toshiki 坊城俊樹 .
Great Kanto Earthquake, September 1
Shiva dancing -
an earthquake shakes
the Himalayas
India Saijiki : Ganges
... ... ...
last Fudo ceremony -
cracks of an earthquake
still in the wall
December 28, 2006
Gabi Greve
... ... ...
after the quake -
the spider's web
still perfectly round

Gabi Greve, April 15, 2007 !
Spiders Net after the Niigata Earthquake in July 2007
this great earthquake -
it destroyed our hopes of using
the winter stove for the tea ceremony
Yasuhara Yoo Sensei Niigata 2004
earthquake -
an old woman
first out of the house
earthquake -
even the telephones
low rumbling -
what IS that?
a truck passes
from the 2001 Gujarat earthquake
Johannes Manjrekar, India
spring evening ~
buildings shudder
as a road splits open
Gautam Nadkarni, India
Ladies are blowing
conch shells to appease the gods;
a mild tremor has occured.
An earthquake on the
Floor of the sea made it violent;
Water striking the earth.
Aju Mukhopadhyay, 2007 India
earthquake in
Ramadan ~ "La illaha il Allaha"
in every mouth
silent earth, after
the absurd quake ~ Ramadan
twilight Nimaz
Autumn 2005
Remembering the huge earthquake in Pakistan and Indian Himalaya
Narayanan Raghunathan
Read more here !
The earth speaks softly
To the mountain
Which trembles
And lights the sky.
© Facts about Earthquake Lights
Compiled by Larry Bole
after the quake
the weathervane
pointing to earth
--Michael Dylan Welch ("Frogpond" and "Tremors")
the green jello
gives a wiggle -
-David G. Lanoue from "Haiku Wars" (2006)
the picture on the wall
--w.f. owen
(from a haibun, "Quake," at "Simply Haiku")
earthquake . . .
on the chesstable
the horse hits the king
--Pascu Dumitru, age 13, grade 6
School No. 39, Constanta, Romania. Honorable Mention, Nicholas A. Virgilio Memorial Haiku Competition, 1993, sponsored by the Haiku Society of America.
earthquake -
the lingering scent
of jimson weed
--Carolyn Thomas
("The Heron's Nest," Volume I, Number 4: December, 1999)
sunrise clouds
a rat burrows
into earthquake rubble
--Lynne Steel
("The Heron's Nest," Volume V, Number 2: February, 2003)
in my morning coffee
earthquake country
--Allen McGill
March 11, 2011 - Tohoku
Tōhoku Chihō Taiheiyō-oki Jishin
[lit. "Tōhoku region Pacific Ocean offshore earthquake")
Sendai, Matsushima, Kesennuma ... immense tsunami damage

earthquake night -
the stars are as silent
as ever
. Gabi Greve, BIG earthquake BLOG
. Nai no kami 地震神 God of Earthquakes
. Earthquake in Kumamoto, April 15, 2016 .
Related words
***** Global warming, climate changes and related topics
Kigo for Autumn
Legends and tales about earthquake, to explore
Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- - - ##earthquake #jishin -
distant earthquake
my inner turmoil
Janice, WHCworkshop
after earthquake
where were windows
the blue sky
Mexico City
Dear Kenya haijin, dear all,
For the past week, Nairobi has been experiencing earthquakes every day, apparently originating in Lake Natron across the border in Tanzania, and leading to some volcanic activity there.
It is quite unusual for Kenya to have earthquakes. While I have already been around for two in Belgium, another non earthquake prone country, I have never yet felt one in Kenya. But Karen Blixen did write about one while she lived there, and I have seen her bathtub in her house (now a museum), where she sat while the earth shook, and where she rejoiced, "there is life in this earth after all -- it can
If any haijin in Kenya has written a haiku about the earthquakes of the past week, please let us read them and be with you in spirit at this time.
While no significant damage has been caused, despite the
magnitude of the earthquakes (up to 6.0 on the Richter scale), there
is fear that a more powerful one might follow... Our thoughts are
with you.
earthquake in Kenya --
my heart throbs and shakes
with yours
Wishing you a peaceful week-end!
japan siesmic belt
every now and then
our plates rattle
John Tiong Chunghoo
shinsai ki hiruge no kokoro anushinu
earthquake memorial day -
at lunchtime my heart
is so sad
Takahashi Awajijo 高橋淡路女
(1890 - 1955)
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